Earendil | Change in Registered Office Address
change registered office address
- It is mandatory to have a registered office for every company in India. It’s
not only the place of business but also all the offline communication is sent to this address from MCA after
the incorporation the company.
- Hence, it is important to intimate any changes in the primary address with the
registrar of office within 30 days by filing Form INC -22.
- If the registered office is shifted to another place in the same city
resolution must be passed in the board of meeting before filing with MCA.
- If the location is shifted to another state NOC from the State Government and
newspaper advertisement are necessary.
- If the registered office of a company is to be changed from one jurisdiction
to another jurisdiction of ROC, it must be approved by the Regional Director of ROC.
why register with earendil
- Our Chartered Accountant will guide you through the process. He/she will be
your single point of contact for registration assistance and for all other services that we offer.
- Our motto is “You only do what you do best; to us, leave the rest”. We assure
that once we start our relationship, you wouldn’t have to think about the areas which we handle.
- We take care all the documentation and follow up with the Ministry of
Corporate Affairs to ensure that the change in Registered Office is registered with Registrar of Companies
at the earliest.
- We want you to not just Start Your Business, but also Run Your Business. With
us, your first month of compliances such as TDS, GST and processes such as payroll and accounting are free
to ease you into your business.
- We will also assist you with setting up and documenting Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) for your business.
- A special resolution must be passed in the board of meeting.
- The resolution document must be filed with ROC within 30 days.
- The company needs to get the approval of the CG in form INC-23.
- Documents required for change of company address.
- Copy of the special resolution sanctioning the alteration by the members of
the company.
- Copy of the memorandum and articles of association.
- Copy of the notice convening the general meeting along with a relevant
explanatory statement.
- Copy of the minutes of the general meeting wherein the resolution authorizing
the alteration.
- List of creditors and debenture holders.
- Copy of board resolution or Power of Attorney.
- Document of payment of application fee.
- The intimation is done by filing Form InC22 along with prescribed fees.
- The documents and the verification methods are mentioned in sub-section (2)
of section 12.
- The documents should be attached in the prescribed format.
- The conveyance deed of the property in the name of the company is needed if
the company owns the office place.
- Lease deed or the rent agreement and rent receipts are required if the
office is located in a rented place.
- If the office is owned by the director the NOC certificate from the owner is
- Mobile phone bill.
- Telephone bill.
- Electricity bill.
- Gas bill.
- Needs the approval of the Regional Director as mentioned in form INC-23.
- The confirmation must be filed with ROC within 30 days of the filing.